Monday, October 6, 2014

Novel Availability Update

I had been toying with the idea of signing up with Kindle’s KDP Select program for several weeks, and a few weeks ago, I made the decision to join. Due to the guidelines of this program, the eBook is no longer available on Barnes & Noble or any other site except Amazon. Amazon prime members will be able to choose to read Imperfectly Perfect Love for free from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library/KOLL. Also if you are an Amazon member who is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited this book is now available to you.
I am pleased to announce that the paperback version of Imperfectly Perfect Love is now available for purchase. If you purchase the paperback version on Amazon, the eBook version is enrolled in the Kindle MatchBook program so you will have the option to also purchase it for the low price of $0.99 as a package deal. The paperback version is also available for purchase in most bookstores (Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million). If you would like to purchase a signed copy, please contact me for further details.
I am hoping with the additional options available more people will feel compelled to check out my first novel, become emotionally connected with the characters, and eagerly await the completion of the following novels as they lead this series to completion.

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